Amazing Life


vinyasa yoga


“VINYASA ” means “connection” in Sanskrit.

This can be described as the relationship between movement and breathing or as the relationship between positions in a logical order. One of the all-time favorites in yoga is vinyasa. It is an extensive alteration of some kinds of yoga, including hatha, Iyengar, and ashtanga. The verb vinyasa means “to arrange” in Hindi. something following a particular pattern. In contemporary yoga techniques, the transitions between asanas are fluid. workouts like Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga, and Vinyasa Krama Yoga, especially when the breath is synchronised with movement.

The Sequence:

  • Kumbhakasana
  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana

is collectively known as a “vinyasa”.

The breath-synchronized movement is called vinyasa.A vinyasa is the count of all the movements required to perform an asana (posture) in the conventional manner. A fairly basic vinyasa is the cat-cow stretch. With an inhale, the spine is arched, and with an exhale, it is rounded. A sophisticated version of vinyasa is the sun salutation routine. Breath in or breath out signals the start of each movement in the series. Vinyasa yoga, also referred to as flow yoga or Vinyasa Flow yoga, is a dynamic, flowing form that offers major advantages for balance, strength, and flexibility. Attending a Vinyasa yoga session may be likened to immersing your body in a fresh dance experience every time.

There is a command for each breath. Every movement begins with a breath, which serves as the conduit between the body and the mind. The simplicity of this movement, breath, and mind combo is the magic of vinyasa yoga. It’s a really intensive practice since as much attention is paid to the transitions between postures as there is to the static poses themselves. It is similar to a focused, active meditation in many aspects.


The sun salutation contains all the sequence of vinyasa. Concentrating your mind on the inhalation and exhalation pattern is most important part of any yoga. But the coordination of breathing pattern along with movement is basic concept of vinyasa yoga.


  • 1. First, move your body to face downward, like a dog (DOWNWARD FACING DOG)
  • 2. Your body transitions from a downward-facing dog to a sturdy high plank in the second place.
  • 3. Third, dropping into chaturanga with control.
  • 4. Lastly, bending into an upward-facing dog’s backbend and then retreating to find the dog that faces down again.


The outcomes of our efforts determine the course of our lives. When one works diligently, things happen mysteriously. However, you are wasting your valuable time if you believe that you can succeed in anything you set your mind to without putting your heart and mind into it. In each movement, the principle of skill holds paramount importance. Every action you take must be meaningful, thoughtful, and deliberate. After that, you consider how this impacts you. and how do you feel? Thus, before you undertake any yoga pose, you should offer your all and resolve to accomplish the goal for which you are exerting yourself. Thus, before beginning any yoga, clear your mind and maintain a pleasant attitude.


Warm Up for Vinyasa

vinyasa yoga
  1. Begin on your yoga mat in extended child’s pose. Breathe through your nose, making your inhalations the same length as your exhalations. Gently roll your head from side to side, massaging away any tension in your forehead.

2. From here, move onto all fours, checking that your hands are beneath your shoulders and your knees are beneath your hips.

As you exhale, roll your tailbone down, pulling your lower abdomen in. Take your chin to your chest, moving into cat pose as you create an arch in your back.

3. Inhale, and dropping your belly toward the floor, raise your head to look up at the ceiling, coming into cow pose. Continue to awaken your spine by moving through this cat-cow flow for another several rounds.

When you feel sufficiently warmed up, return to a neutral position on all fours. Exhale to lower into extended puppy pose.

Keep your elbows lifted and come up onto your fingertips to stretch and open the front of your chest. Hold for three to five full breaths. Lower your forearms on the ground, draw your navel toward your spine and slide forward into sphinx pose.

Hold for a few breaths, and then, exhale to lower down. Inhale as you slide your hands back beside your chest and lift into cobra pose.

The Vinyasa Foundations

Exhale as you lower from cobra pose, come through all fours and tuck your toes under, pressing into your first downward-facing dog.

Bend one knee at a time to release your calves and hamstrings. Hold for 5 breaths, then, inhale as you move your body into a straight line to take plank pose.

Exhale to lower your knees, untuck your toes, take your hips in line with your body, and then, lower (with control) onto your front, keeping elbows tucked in close to your ribcage.

Inhale to lift up into cobra.

Exhale to find your way back to downward-facing dog.

This cyclical sequence of downward-facing dog, plank pose, lowering down, cobra pose and downward-facing dog again is your basic vinyasa flow.

It forms the foundation for many other flow sequences in Vinyasa yoga, and is the perfect starting point for exploring Vinyasa yoga.

Flow through this sequence a couple more times to build familiarity with it.


Following a few vinyasas, come to a standing forward fold with your feet hip-width apart by looking at your hands and moving your feet forward.

In ragdoll stance, bend your legs slightly and grip your opposing elbows. For three to five breaths, sway back and forth while allowing the rear of your body to open and release.

Taking a breath, raise your body to a standing position, sweep your arms out to the sides, and reach your arms aloft so that your palms connect.

Exhale and position yourself into mountain pose.

Crescent Lunge Flow

Taking a deep breath, flex your knees and raise your arms to sit back in chair pose.

After three breaths of holding, release and fold forward while standing.

As you return to plank position, place your hands firmly down beside your feet and take a breath.

Go from a vinyasa to a downward-facing dog pose.

Step your right leg through to the inside of your right hand while in downward dog position. As you circle your arms up to execute a crescent lunge, maintain your left heel raised but pressed back.

Lower your left knee to the floor, then rotate yourself right, hooking your left elbow over your right knee and glancing towards your right elbow. You can also do this by placing your hands in the prayer position.

Step back into plank position, return to centre, and plant your palms on the floor. As you complete your vinyasa, flow through it again, starting with the left leg.


Step your feet through to a seated position from downward-facing dog, then use your core to roll onto your back. Bridge posture is achieved by inhaling and raising the sternum and hips to the sky. Hold the pose for three to five breaths.


Pose like a joyful baby after lowering with control and letting your back rest in neutral for a few breaths. For the purpose of relieving lower back strain, rock back and forth.


Relax into savasana and do whatever last movements your body requests.

The benefits of vinyasa yoga

  1. Boosting Immune Function
  2. Increasing Physical Power
  3. Makes the Body More Flexible
  4. Calm Sleeping Routine
  5. Serves As A Detoxifier
  6. Guarantees Heart Health
  7. Enhances Posture
  8. Developing Focus and Concentration9. Expands the Lung Capacity
  9. Enhances Lifestyle Decisions
  10. Encourages Correct Breathing
  11. Provides Cardiovascular Advantages
  12. The process of detoxification

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